Apply to DCCWC

DCCWC is seeking applications from Registered Democrats

The Democratic Central Committee of Worcester County (DCCWC), the local arm of the State and National Party anticipates vacancies in District 6, Northern and an at-large membership on the Committee, up to three at-large male gender balance members, and auxiliaries for at large, District 1. Southern and District 6. Northern members. Auxiliaries while not voting members are given leadership and important support roles with the Committee.

The DCCWC is seeking applications from Registered Democrats who are resident in Worcester County and the District for which they are applying. Applicants should be committed to the principles and platform of the Democratic Party and willing to dedicate time and energy to advancing the party in this county. It is helpful if applicants have experience in community, church, government, party, education and other groups. By January 15, 2019, Applicants should send a letter or resume describing their education, experience and participation in political and organizational development activities to DCCWC, Box 34, Berlin, MD 21811. (For information about the DCCWC visit the website, or call (410} 629 9107 and leave a message or email to [email protected].